The Alternative
Punters Syndicate (TAPS) was formed in May 1996 to provide ordinary
punters with a means of accessing the very best betting information available.
Since then we have
provided a genuine service catering for both the complete novice and the seasoned professional
alike. So, whatever your
personal level of experience, you are sure to benefit, and profit,
from our top quality information and advice.T

We have in the past provided information for a football and other sports
in general but currently focus on our main area of expertise, namely UK
& Irish horse racing. All the information and advice we provide is sent daily by
Explore our site
now for full details on our service and to discover how you
could make a lot of money with our help. You will then quickly
understand why TAPS has been in business for more than two decades
and is recognised as being...
Ultimate Betting Advisory Service!
